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Making of Sweet Lassi Mango Lassi or Buttermilk

Lassi is a traditional Indian Beverage, made by blending yogurt with water, salt, and spices until frothy, that is enjoyed chilled as a hot-weather refreshment. Yogurt is mentioned in ancient Indian texts, and so is buttermilk.

Traditional lassi is sometimes flavored with ground roasted cumin.

Traditional lassi is salty and sometimes flavored with ground roasted cumin and chilli pepper.

Sweet lassi is a more recent invention, flavored with sugar, rosewater and/or lemon, mango, strawberry or other fruit juice. Saffron lassis, which are particularly rich, are a specialty of Jodhpur, Rajasthan. Another popular variation on the Lassi is the Mango Lassi, which is orange in color and mango flavored.

The Lassi is very popular on hot summer days where it is only made of water, salt, yoghurt and sometimes lemon.

There are many new drinks flooding the markets but the flavor of 'lassi' cannot be replaced by any other drink

» This gives energy and cools the body.
» It is believed that it settles the upset stomach.
» Lassi has no side-effects unlike other aerated beverages.


  1. 500 ml Curd
  2. 250 ml Water
  3. 4 tbsp Sugar
  4. Crushed Ice

How to prepare Sweet Lassi

  • Put all ingredients in a blender.
  • Add ice to it and blend the mixture until froth appears.
  • Sweet Lassi is ready to serve.


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