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Pineapple Juice

How to Make a Pineapple Juice?

In the Summer season the Temprature is very hot. in that reason the Human are mostly use the Cold drinks, Juice,Ice-Cream etc. let we are learn to how to make the Pineapple Juice.
To making the Pineapple Juice firstly take the one Pineapple.then peel the skin with a sharp knife.then after the peeling Pineapple,to washing the Pineapple to clean water.after that to cut the small pieces of Pineapple.
now the piece of pineapple put in the blender, but do not put the all pieces in the blender at one time. Next add some water,one spoon sugar and blended the pineapple pieces.when they are smoothly blended,strain them.keep the Juice and throw away the rest.
After,the all procedure to take the Juice in the glass and add some Ice cubes in the glass of Juice and mix well using a spoon.Finally,a delicious Pineapple Juice is ready to be served.
cheers Friends !...


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